Beach Portraits at the Jersey Shore

Beach Portraits Jersey Shore

Creating something special through our family portrait photography is something that we take the most pride in. Whether it’s an Beach Portraits Jersey Shore extended family portrait with the grandparents or a portrait of one child, our hope is that families will appreciate these portraits as the years’ pass.  This is why we feel we take our craft a little more seriously as portrait photographers. Often, when photographing extended families, it’s a one-shot deal. This is often the last time everyone is going to be together at the same time. The reason for this is because many families are scattered around the country. When this is the case it’s even more important to hire a family portrait photographer that can handle large groups.

You may have noticed when visiting family portrait photographer’s websites that many photographers do a fine job photographing one or two children but lack the consistency when photographing larger groups. It takes many years to be able to photograph a large group with consistency.  Unlike portraits of a four-year-old it’s hard to find large groups to practice on. As a result photographers never reach their full potential.  

The Start

Rob Wilson was fortunate to start his career when there were a lot of studios all throughout New Jersey. He learned his craft from two master photographers and was able to pose families with a more experienced photographer fixing his mistakes. New photographers have a harder time gaining access to more experienced photographers since the brick and mortar days are pretty much over in the professional photography world. 

For more information click HERE to fill out our form and to see our phone number. We look forward to hearing from you.

We photograph families from Long Beach Island to Monmouth Beach and you can see us on the beach in Spring Lake most of the summer. Below are some of the beaches that you can find us at. 

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